Published: 2017
Theme: Courage; Monarch Butterflies
Best for: 6 and up

“It took Kibble a few moments before he was ready to let go of that trunk again, but soon enough, he carefully walked over to me….” In this informative illustrated children’s book, Kibble overcomes his fear with the support of good friends…

Published: 2018
Theme: Nature’s Wonders
Best for: 5 to 8

“Once upon a time, words began to vanish from the language of children…You hold in your hands a spellbook for conjuring back these lost words. To read it you will need to seek, find, and speak.” A gorgeous, oversized illustrated children’s book that weaves magic of language, art, and nature.

Published: 2000
Theme: Thoreau’s Simplicity
Best for: 5 to 7

“I’ll walk,” said Henry. “It’s the fastest way to travel.” “I’ll work,” Henry’s friend said, “until I have the monty to buy a ticket to ride the train to Fitchburg. We’ll see who gets there first!” A very simple, sweet illustration of a passage from Walden about the benefits of walking rather than high-speed travel.

Published: 2018
Theme: Thomas Edison
Best for: 5 to 8

“Behind the shelves lay the University of Mice. Here any inquisitive mouse could learn everything there was to know about the history of mice: mice who had traveled the world, mice who had made great discoveries…” A beautifully illustrated, large-size children’s book with a fanciful story about Edison’s invention.

Published: English: 2018 (original: 1945)
Theme: Imaginative Tale
Best for: 6 to 9

“At first Moominmamma was frightened too, but then she said soothingly: “It’s really a very little creature. Wait, and I’ll shine a light on it. Everything looks worse in the dark, you know.” This is wonderful way to be introduced to the family of Moomintrolls, since it is the story where they first came to life…

Published in English: 2003
Theme: Courage and Loyalty
Best for: 8 to 10

“Do the stars care if you play for them?” I wondered. I asked Nonno and he said he believed they did. So we sat around the fire, took out our flutes and played a little song for the stars.” This is a classic fantasy children’s book, one that easily transcends time and place.

Published: 2018
Theme: Animal Kindness
Best for: 7 to 9

“When you are expecting the moon, it can be hard to know what to say to a small red squirrel. But still, the little cat gathered herself quickly. She was a polite cat.” In this poetic prose children’s book, we see the world through the eyes of a little cat looking for its own nesting place.

Published: 2018
Theme: Humor
Best for: 6 and up

“Now, under normal circumstances, Poo-Poo’s request to lick Karen’s nose would be quite bizarre. But these were not normal circumstances…” Humor is humor, silliness is silliness, and Tom Watson delivers both, regardless of whether it’s about dogs or cats…

Published: 1977
Theme: Creating Home
Best for: 6 and up

“The cave was full of chattering animals who’d been lucky enough to find this haven. There were several mice that Abel and Amanda knew, and a family of toads they had once met at a carnival.” In this classic Steig children’s book, we meet a mouse who learns the value of home while being stranded on an island, and surviving very well.

Published: 2000
Theme: Women Heroines
Best for: 5 to 10

“In the dark time of the year, when the days are short and a cold wind blows from the north, a serpent came to live in an old cave on the mountain of Yung Ling…” From time to time, it’s great to read about a young girl who takes on the challenge of slaying the perennial serpent. This children’s book is a lovely collection of such stories.

Published: 2012
Theme: Kindness and Friendship
Best for: 7 to 9

“The little girl peered out of the carriage and saw two bears lumbering quickly ahead, pulling the carriage through patches of twisting trees and over hills dotted with early blooms.” This book weaves the magical and unreality together in a way that you begin to feel you are reading an old-fashioned fairy tale, which in some ways it is.

Published: 1996
Theme: Curiosity
Best for: 5 to 8

“Once upon a time there was a bat–a little light brown bat, the color of coffee with cream in it. He looked like a furry mouse with wings.” This poetic little fable about animals, and one bat in particular, will be a sweet bedtime story.

Published: 2000
Theme: Easy Reader Bedtime
Best for: 5 to 8

“Once there were three little dragons. They lived in a dark cave. The cave was in a dense forest. The forest was in a faraway kingdom. The poor little dragons were very lonely in their deep dark cave.” A must-have, read-aloud bedtime story that’s perfect for every child…

Published: 1982
Theme: Overcoming Bullies
Best for: 8 to 10

“Dreams,” he said, “is very mysterious things. They is floating around in the air like little wispy bubbles. And all the time they is searching for sleeping people.” If you are in need of a cheerful happy ending story, as a children’s book BFG is perfect…

Published: 1939
Theme: Historical Fiction Biography
Best for: 8 – 11

“All of these ill-informed scribblers seemed astonished at Ben’s great fund of information, at his brilliant decisions, at his seeming knowledge of all that went on about him. I could have told them, It was ME.” A biography like this is perhaps the best way to bring history to children without bringing tears of boredom..